Other Ways to Support Sutton




Parent Shopping Program

When it comes to serious fundraising, Sutton PTA’s Parent Shopping Program means EASY money for our school! Please take advantage of these effortless, immediate ways to raise money for our school:

Box Tops for Education

Box Tops changed during the 2019-20 school year. All valid pink Box Tops for Education will be honored and Sutton will receive 10 cents per top. A new app and Box Top label are being rolled out! Check out the Box Tops web page for more information. A complete list of Box Top products can be found HERE


AmazonSmile Foundation

The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible Amazon purchases. 

  1. Associate your Amazon account with the Sutton PTA the first time you shop: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-1550889 (The Sutton PTA is listed as "Sutton Ms PTA")
  2. Purchases must be made through the Amazon Smile portal, instead of the regular Amazon.com website in order for Sutton PTA to receive a donation. Bookmark this site for all future purchases: http://smile.amazon.com.

Publix Partners

To support the Sutton PTA, simply sign up for Club Publix, click My Publix Partner, select Sutton Middle School PTA. Then enter your phone number or pay with the Publix app every time you check out. 

Kroger Community Rewards

To support the Sutton PTA, a digital account is needed to participate in Kroger Community Rewards. If you already have a digital account, you will need to ensure you have a Plus Card linked to your account. Sign into your Kroger account scroll down to Community Rewards and link your Kroger Plus card to YY561.  You can find more instructions on the Kroger site HERE.